Heading for an Interview

It looks like your resume did a great job for you, so did you while screening, once you are invited for a personal interview with a potential employer.  We do not intend to couch you on the importance of being polite, punctual, properly dressed and groomed when you go to the interview.  We are sure you know that well. We just wanted to give you some basics of what the interviewing process particularly entails and what phases of interview to be prepared for?  Moreover, what can affect an interview decision and how to avoid disappointing results? Continue reading

Resume Writing

The main purpose of the resume is to introduce a job applicant to the potential employer.  A well composed resume is supposed not only to attract the employer’s attention but can also say a lot about an applicant’s character. And as we keep mentioning, you will never have the second chance to make the first impression.   Does this mean that in order to be noticed by the employer you resume should be as unique as possible?  Not necessarily.  Quite the opposite. Continue reading

Hiring Process Step-by-Step

Before embarking on job hunting, it is a good idea to get to know the structure of the hiring process in detail. It would help diminish inevitable stress and figure out an appropriate behaviour during this process. Well, what are you to be prepared for? First of all, we need to mention that the hiring process may vary from one employer to another, but there is a certain framework that underlies recruitment and selection in any organization. Continue reading