On the Other Side…

Most of the content of this blog covers some ideas or recommendations to those looking for a job. But at this moment we decided to address those who facilitate the hiring process i.e. recruiters and hiring managers. We’ve already made this attempt in our earlier article “Who Benefits from Interview Tips”. After all, the success of the interview depends not only on a candidate’s performance in it, but, to a certain extend, on an interviewer’s skills and ability to get out of the conversation as much as possible, keeping within legal and ethical bounds. Continue reading

Who Benefits from Interview Tips?

It is really fun to read sometimes about how awkward job candidates’ behaviour might be during the job interview. Smelling own armpits while going to a boardroom has already become the talk of the town. It is hard to disagree that stress may, to certain extent, explain such behaviour in a situation like this. But, on the other hand, do you really think that advising an interviewee not to do certain things could eventually be appreciated by the employer? Continue reading

Mutual Interviewing Process

Your job search must be on the right track if you managed to land a job interview. Your nicely composed resume generated an interest of the potential employer and now you are heading for a personal meeting with them. Be careful and considerate during the interview and keep in mind that interviewing is a mutual process. From the part of the job-seeker it should be as rigorous as from the part of the employer. Everything matters; every small detail can be decisive and contribute to a successful career or ruin it. Not only the employer is interviewing a candidate, but the candidate should be a thorough interviewer too. Continue reading