You’re Fired…

Regretfully, no one can feel secured against the situation when your employer once says to you that the company requires your service no longer. Many reasons might cause this decision. And if it is almost impossible to prevent a situation like this, you’d probably be interested in what the reason was and how to deal with it.

Trying not to show any emotional disturbance, attempt to find out if: Continue reading

What Else You Need to Know about Your Potential Employer

Unquestionable is the importance of a good knowledge and clear understanding of the company you are interviewing with.  To know what the company does and where it is in terms of its financial situation is important information to have, not only to impress your interviewer, but also and foremost for yourself to help you make right decision.  There is an example. Continue reading

Who Benefits from Interview Tips?

It is really fun to read sometimes about how awkward job candidates’ behaviour might be during the job interview. Smelling own armpits while going to a boardroom has already become the talk of the town. It is hard to disagree that stress may, to certain extent, explain such behaviour in a situation like this. But, on the other hand, do you really think that advising an interviewee not to do certain things could eventually be appreciated by the employer? Continue reading

Competing Offer – A Hard Decision to Make

What to do in a situation when you are interviewing with several companies and more than one company is ready to make an offer to you?

There is an example. You are currently employed with the company “Appleby”  and are looking for new opportunities. You had already a series of interviews with different employers and, say, the “Safari” Corporation is making you a job offer. Continue reading

Salary Question

During the interviewing process inescapably you come to the point when you are asked about your salary expectations. It can be one of the first questions that the interviewer asks or it can be brought up when a job offer is made. Being asked in the beginning, this question might influence further success of your interview, depending on how professionally and reasonably you answer it. Continue reading

Mutual Interviewing Process

Your job search must be on the right track if you managed to land a job interview. Your nicely composed resume generated an interest of the potential employer and now you are heading for a personal meeting with them. Be careful and considerate during the interview and keep in mind that interviewing is a mutual process. From the part of the job-seeker it should be as rigorous as from the part of the employer. Everything matters; every small detail can be decisive and contribute to a successful career or ruin it. Not only the employer is interviewing a candidate, but the candidate should be a thorough interviewer too. Continue reading

Heading for an Interview

It looks like your resume did a great job for you, so did you while screening, once you are invited for a personal interview with a potential employer.  We do not intend to couch you on the importance of being polite, punctual, properly dressed and groomed when you go to the interview.  We are sure you know that well. We just wanted to give you some basics of what the interviewing process particularly entails and what phases of interview to be prepared for?  Moreover, what can affect an interview decision and how to avoid disappointing results? Continue reading